Worldwide Wave of Peace

The world is divided by 360 lines of longitude.

The year is divided into 365 days.

Locations along every longitudinal line are encouraged to contemplate and promote world peace on a given day, leaving 5 unassigned days each year.

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made with OUM

Have a discussion, sing a song, light a candle, hold hands, march along a street with a sign supporting peace, have a picnic, have a music festival, write a letter or letters to politicians, write a letter to a country a war asking to seek a cease fire and hundreds of other possibilities.

The idea is to create a wave of peace that advances one longitudinal line each day, circumnavigating the planet each year.

Register to participate on your longitudinal line. Once your line reaches 10,000 we will announce our effort to media outlets along your longitude.

    Latitudinal celebrations come next!

    Sign or contribute to a list of world peace petitions and actions.

    Add a new location
